For my friend
Drop a line that only GG fans would understand
fuck gerd
i hate being a lukeworm..
GERD suddenly worse, advice needed.
Its all getting worse, how do I fix it?
Help me pick a cute name for our grey cat, we are looking for an item or food that’s related to gray things EX: concrete(but not concrete)
Please answer soon
What makes an axel so hard?
How do I get rid of this horrible feeling?
Help Wanted - S2 E20
What song did you hate every other verse except Em's?
Does gerd give anyone else ear pressure? / Shortness of breath
UTI or..?
Am I going mentally insane?
can Gilmore Girls be over-watched?
I think im dying from dementia.
Anxiety about fever
Constant fever no other symptoms
Was Lorelai a good mom?
Which episode would you show to someone to convince them to watch the show (if the pilot doesn't convince them)?
Help me and my wife end a debate. What colour are these shorts?