is not eating for 6 hours enough
They got chewable dxm tablets now??
Can someone explain how to properly use this drug without becoming dependent?
What's up my fellow people? How often do you eat In-n-Out?
Do you actually like your life?
How do i get of the constant fear of my boyfriend cheating??
Any pointers? 21M
What's the youngest and oldest ages you'd date rn?
Not asking for medical advice just your experiences
i’m relatively new to the game and could use some teammates for ranked
Do you think the trump has been an effective president so far?
I yearn for the mountains
Is this true ? If so I need to go to California
Do you believe that crime DOES pay, and cheaters DO win, contrary to what we were taught/told as children?
Is Canada 🍁 going to boycott US products now?
I’m a Canadian. Give me some hope that my country isn’t just about to be annexed by Trump.
My fiancée admitted she doesn’t find me physically attractive, but still wants to marry me. What do I do?
Is it okay for me to sleep With my dead friends ex?
Does the average person eat 3 meals a day anymore?
Weapons ranked by iron sights
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
Who in the fuck is keeping Burger King in business
I feel like I have so much potential but nothing to use it for
Using DXM as an anti-depressant ?