Is our pension/retirement trash
How would you feel if your child was born with the same disability or disorder you have?
What has your salary and career progression looked like after starting in accounting relatively late in life? (30+)
What’s the longest you’ve been away from the trade - when did you come back? (JWs)
Those who joined the IBEW with a 4-year degree or higher, was it worth it?
I am the daughter of a rapist AMA
Can anyone explain all of our retirement plans?
what would you tell your 20 year old self to do
If you could do something illegal without any consequences, what would you do?
Those who are unhappy with life, what is a detailed reason behind it?
What stopped you from ending your life?
How long do you guys commute to work?
He sucks at sex. Dealbreaker?
This post makes me want to change my major….
Where do you guys get stickers?
JWs of 613, what’s the most you’ve made in a year and how much did you work?
New agreement signed recently
AMA: Went from 15 year old suicidal, drug addict drop out to drug-free, PhD candidate at 25 years old
What is fake cum used in sex toys made out of?
Am I overthinking ? Or does he also like me ?
How do people that own Teslas feel about driving it around these days?
Thinking about cancelling within the 72 hour new customer window
Which contractor has the most overtime consistently?
rate my first panel (1st year)
Apprentices, what side gigs do you do to bring in more money? (Which are not labor/construction related)