do you think he wants my greek yogurt or actually wants to cuddle me?
Potting my burritos
what’s your succulent hot take?
My belated Christmas present from my mother
is this size good?
How to not kill the plant
How dumb am I being ?
What I asked vs what I got
Service dogs go through a test where they have to watch an entire musical to pass their program
Mack, my 8-year-old Basset mix 🖤
Ozzy wishes you all a Happy Basset Hound Day
Since I have discovered this sub, let me introduce Oliver
My basset is bringing me to my wits end
What fabrics for a doggy tent?
Duke and Dumbo
Can this be saved?
Quilt or jacket?
My buddy Oliver
Monstera node - will it prop?
Birdie turned 7 yesterday! Swipe to see her before (Photo #5) being rescued
One month in with our new family member Murphy. We’re exhausted but so in love with him 💞
Howling howlers?
How do I root this aloe, seriously?
Dieffenbachia by the dumpster
What am I doing wrong?