Breaking my addiction to LBG
If there is anything worse than poorly trained midlevel posers— it’s lying, garbage, physicians who become enablers and betray their own out of greed
Did you know? Your “doctor” might not actually be a physician (MD/DO).
Magnamalo who??
There is a meeting this week for those involved in actually DOING something about the issues we talk about here. - The AMA State Advocacy summit. There are about 300 here -all donating their time and $ to do something. You CAN be part of this if you want to do something effective.
Which OG Monster would you like to return?
Whats wrong with astalos? it just keep exploding by itself.
The car blocked the fire truck to access the fire, so they had to use bulldozer to make way
I thinking name my dog like that. Nargamalo Rajanthian 🔥🔥
Is HH a good weapon for solo?
Monsters that are harder/more obnoxious for you than you'd expect?
I like pictures like this give me more of them
Did not expect him to move that far
Do you agree?
Why is Low Rank so Hard?
Make bus drivers great again
Nobody said anything like this
Paramedic Practitioner (Mid-Level Prehospital Provider)
Why does everyone hate earplugs?
I love new players to the franchise
Take your time Fiorayne, it’s ok 🤔
Whats a weapon that you can never get good at?
Weapon easier than you thought?
Dutch video archive
Reasons to play SnS:
How did you discover the Monster Hunter series of games?