Someone is trying to do crash for cash scam on me
Server lag
Startup issues
Someones pet hens caused car accident.
Mums cant book holiday it has been BLOCKED OFF by the company- (England)
Girlfriend fired with a reason being there was a lack of trust between her and colleagues as she didn’t tell them about her disabilities
Name this animal
Slept through my plug blowing up. Is this a win for UK plug design or am I just lucky nothing worse happened?
Question about save and load in bo6
Has sertaline worked for anyone here?
Why tf does shaders optimization take so long? Didn't know I bought a loading simulator lmao
Best sleep apnea device
Help - Bad download speed
What is the face machine thing on the ship?
I just made a post about something Alan said in the r/Christianity community and the post got deleted. It made me remember something Alan said that a system that is insecure of itself cannot permit different thoughts and people that does not belong.
Any positive experiences with Concerta?
How expensive is expensive for a private UK prescription?
How many gladiators can i save in s&sII classic
For people earning 40k+ outside london, what do you do?
I (100% straight male) switched my tinder to show me guys purely to boost my algorithm, but now my manager from work (also male) super liked awkward is my shift gonna be tomorrow?
New USB fault on home build PC
Can i eat biscuits that have been sat out for 5 days
What is the closest you’ve ever come to death?
Men, how can you tell when a woman is interested in you, without her directly saying it?
What is the main reason people get divorced.