Time travel back to see any 3 movies on their opening night
Any tips for pullups?
STOP RIGHT THERE! Tell Me Your Favourite Anime or DIE!
What's something you remember about ragging or interaction with seniors during first year?
Need Help
What is one thing that you regret doing/not doing in med school?
What is the best non-sexual feeling you can have?
What's the boldest thing you've done in med school?
Can't seem to adjust to medschool
Learning to planche
It felt like cheating using these gloves.
How do you get a hepatitis b vaccine
Who's the most hated person on earth?
What is the most jaw dropping thing about your own body that you discovered after you got into med-school?
Packing for residency
What's a good mnemonic you've created or heard?
Non-American movies that would satisfy my imagination, culture, and/or class consciousness please.
Planche and Front lever
High pull up is a pain in the ass lately
Muscle gain
Just started - need help
Thinking about starting, but I play rugby. Worried about losing power.
What anime would you recommend?
Movies that start one way then take a turn and go in a completely unpredicted different direction??