How bad is the undercarriage of 1999 LX470/LC100 with 212K miles? Worthy of purchase?
Latest chewy reef salt drop
AITA for reading my (ex) partner's phone, despite what I found?
Rate my Beef Shoulder Roast sous vide
ISO Smoke Spots/Photoshoot locations
65 gallon looking decent
30(M) Need advice on what to do to get back down to 160 lbs (190 current)
Should i cut or bulk????
Where can we hear an echo?
The worst foreign hunting trip I've ever had - Anatolia Safaris
Are there any guitar players with smaller hands than mine? Am I doomed?
What are your summer plans with your 80?
good spots in MDO to trip?
AITA for calling my wife “hubby” and vice versa?
Sex on mushrooms
What happened to water sports on laguna lake?
Why is this community so inactive?
Should I find a new guitar teacher or am I being impatient?
1st time elk hunt
Happy Hours!!
What’s the best year of a Land Cruiser to go for?
Am I overreacting? Wife flashed boobs
Getting my loaded up pig of an 80 into our camp spot for the night.
Has anyone ever gotten over an aversion to cilantro?
Lobster Bisque