i made this and i'm really proud of it
help me come up with outrageous names
67-year-old female patient fell out of bed
Type your favourite Genshin character's name without using the crossed out letters
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
Can anybody make sense of this?
She will only take a bath if she is submerged fully into the water. She marinates like a lil teabag
Update: Unsure if Fat or Pregnant
I’m Made a Selfish Decision and I Don’t Feel Bad About It
Found while cleaning pools!
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Awkward spot tattoo ideas?
Different ways to spell Axel?
Since tech has phee, who do you set the other team members up with?
How do I explain to this DICK that I don't feel like "giving him a kiss" after he woke me up from my nap by biting my toes and then LAUGHED at me????
What made you main Neuvillette?
Some woman on instagram showing off her children’s names
can everyone drop their favourite pictures of their tortoises here?
New bird has pet store smell
Anyone else's tortoise this weird?
Messed up so bad
even crazier than the armadillo
Prison. Where he belongs.