Is it worth it to buy myself a huge red fluff?
Anyone get a huge from the clover event yet WITHOUT huge hunter?
Cancer sun and moon, so I should be very empathetic and a homebody, right?
What games did yall play growing up? 🥰
My secret weapon(s)
Smoky eye look before a 🪨 concert (repost), any tips on how to make eyeliner less sloppy?
Libra was voted the most Romantic zodiac sign, and Aquarius was voted least. Next: Which sign is the most awkward, and which is the least?
I don't usually put shadow under my eyes but I think it came out cute :)
Comment your Venus sign and what you find to be beautiful in other people.
What sign doesn't look at you?
Characters that you hate with a passion?
If you were given the chance to hug an MLP character, who would it be?
One cat is on drugs from the Vet. Guess who.
What is your favorite planet?
Tell me what you think about my zodiac rankings
What’s your sign? And which signs do you attract VS which are you attracted to 👀
Lets see your cats cursed photos
If you guys could be any other sign, what would it be?