7700xt or wait for 5060 (Ti)
MK Giveaway: MK Point65 Keyboard Kit
[Giveaway] Pigmodding 65% acryllic keyboard [World Wide]
Pc for browsing internet
MK Giveaway: Topre Realforce R3S TKL Keyboard
New gaming pc
I had a partial nephrectomy yeaterday
New computer for gaming
Has anybody had success with the new Arcanist Cursed Build on Hard?
These mushrooms are fascinating. I’ve been picking these for a few weeks now and they’re so abundant.
What is this?
Rigged explosives is da bomb
The guy on my moval crate looks pretty suspicious. Either a burglar or the ol' hole in the box trick
Epic 2D open world RPG adventure 9th Dawn III giveaway
Price Checks and Crafting Advice - April 19, 2019
Please recommend a great interactive fiction book. Something really long, maybe 750,000 words or more if there are any, where the reader really begins to feel empathy and a connection to the main character.
Any good remakes of DOS games?
Price Checks and Crafting Advice - September 08, 2017