Chapter 5 performance issues
Why do streamers buy 5 costs they are not planning on using?
Har dere hørt om dette spillet? Ser det er Norsk utviklet og får mye hat, hva har jeg gått glipp av?
Dustborn is being exhibited at Tokyo Game Show
Private blood tests near Trondheim
The mount of games you have to play to "reach your elo" is only achievable for people that can play lol all day.
Show me your Elden build and I’ll show you mine😉
i love being ganked for 90% of the game ty riot 👍
How on earth am I supposed to attack with 75 damage in a match...
What should I know before seeing my GP?
Why didn’t I get “Power In Numbers” challenge?
Why doesn't Soul Fighter Viego have new Encroaching Mist art? Every other champion that summon stuff have their summons art based on the skin too
Little info I checked myself in the sandbox as I found it nowhere online: Kayle's R cooldown with Transcendence rune.
Is this mage build good?(weapons all +9 and summon +10)
built different
Nexus Blitz
Snip snip
Shaving (Sorry for the wall of text xd)
Reddit complain *cry cry cry* champ op
Experiences with GenderGP in Norway?
Cheating your way to a head start was always allowed
Champions that don't use W?
Now its great time to revert old nerfs, isnt it? Draven, Fiora, Fang, TF, GP ... and even rummage.
Can we not just call all pronouns genderless\unisex?
May all fiora players burn in hell