If two demi-gods had a kid what would that be considered? [all]
Future CHB
What is the next best course to enroll in if you can't get into Psych 209?
What is the entry code for Psych 209 or can I just use SLN?
[all] Who is the worst person to date in the books?
Which characters who aren't shipped would you ship? [All]
Who’s your favorite greek god? [all]
Which character are you most like and why? [general]
What is your fatal flaw? [general]
Having trouble with the META AI on Whatsapp
Meta AÍ in WhatsApp quit on me
You can only respond with one word unless you hate your mom. Are you able to read?
I Might Be a Child of ________ Because ________[pjo] (For fun)
I think I got rejected from jobs I applied to because of my autism even though I never mentioned it
What’s the most ignorant thing someone has said to you about autism
Not promoting anything, just wondering if anyone has viewed the film Kalki 2898..
DAE use proper grammar when texting?
Which do you relate to the most?
Your favourite fiction of all time and why.
DAE drink coffee for reasons
Weird pizza toppings that you like ?
Do you have dreams that are as realistic as reality?
What level of autism are you guys?
Rate my meal 🔥🔥
Do you guys feel that you get constantly criticized by people for even the smallest of mistakes because of autism?