Rented from an unregistered landlord, they want me to pay for missing furniture and £4K “repairs” cost (Scotland)
M4 MBA Base Model Is More Than Enough for 95% of Users—But Everyone Here Thinks They’re in the 5%
Just got back from a 2 week road trip in France. 20 mins on the M20 and I nearly turned around and went back
Which varient i should buy MacBook air m4 16gb or 24gb memory, primarily use figma, framer and light video editing.
I don't get it
[F3] Another incident at Turn 6 pulling a lot of gravel onto the circuit from the new gravel trap
14F – Desperate to Leave Europe. No Money, No Support. Please Help.
6 hours enough time from heathrow to luton?
Basic iPad A16 would be and amazing desktop replacement with Stage Manager
Max gifting us a new flair?
Should I have been told this? (New Apartment) (UK)
Absolutely Insulting. Just don’t even tip at this point, because what the actual f? This is to make YOU feel better about being a 💩 person, plain and simple 🤦🏻♀️
Having cars in uni
Drunk friends of my parents left my telescope outside overnight in hail and wind storm.
Neighbour can see into our house, what's the best way to screen the view?
Refillable pods?
Would you paint woodwork white or clean to original?
I went with the second one. I was wrong.
Don't like these cupboards, family saying keep them
¿Duda: Qué pasa si en una elección nacional el 80% vota en blanco?
Food on flights
¿Si pudiesen crear una app que les sirva a los argentinos, Que harian?
What’s a reasonable cost for paving 11sq m? Quoted ~£5500