A copy ability for every pokemon type
omori in another universe
Alright everyone raise your hand if you haven’t played Fortnite in YEARS until today when Miku joined
How are we feeling about Miku in Fortnite?
Chat, am I cooked?
3 Random Death Battle Rivals Memes I Made Because I Was Bored
Favorite image of a character that's moldier than year old bread?
Sega Showdown
Characters opinion trend
Favorite character that can do this
Favorite character you would strangle if you got the chance?
Two favorite roles from your personal favorite actor?
Favorite trans character mines kamatari
Favorite hero or villain with a sad backstory?(I just wanna hear y’all’s and their backstory:))
I bought her on fortnite
Boy Lynn vs Chandler fist fight.
Decided to join in the fun and try my hand at a few of these
The eraser knight, wipes out his enemies
Danganronpa Community Ranking Day 35: Maki Harukawa
Imagine that basically all Smash characters now play exactly the same as they do in their original games, how unplayable or OP would some of them become?
Why must we fight? Are we stupid?
Smth smth hero shooter
Had To Catch A Win For Miku😤
Kermits done for...