What would it take for this to happen?
Rate the Team Before Brock
My mom has already made her 2028 endorsement
Map & list of countries on the new travel ban proposed by Trump
Uhm what?
Words to Live by
W++ Guides
Rep. Raúl Grijalva has passed away
What is the most fun averting civil war U.S. path?
Dave McCormick is off to an interesting start in the Senate
I'll take this down in a minute so as to avoid clogging the feed but I am curious...
Alright gang, which is the next senator to announce an abrupt retirement before we even get to the midterms?
𝐖. Live
What do you think of trans individuals
What do you call a Kazakh Patriot?
So what do you think about "vice." mod?
do you agree or disagree that bernie sanders is the leader of the resistance?
is piracy moral
How MFs think Florida will vote in the future after it voted for Trump by 3% last year
How would you improve the Entente gameplay-wise?
how gay are u
The Squad on the way to Radio Tower
The Democrats Inability To Find A Candidate…
What American paths to play
Hubert Horatio Humphrey was cool