I clean a few houses on the side. Found this under a rug, pls don't tell me they're not pulling the "if they don't bring the money to you, they didn't clean under the rug. if the money is gone, they stole from you" test
Maybe Maybe Maybe
What is your favorite neighborhood spot? Not something hyped or fancy that you go to once a year but the place you regular even if it’s not outstanding
Made working prototype (rustless electric outdoor grill) and need industrial engineering help.
Board recommendations for experienced rider looking to get better in the park?
How to pry bar without damaging wood base
Renovated powder room in centennial home (Missouri)
Best way to tighten the size of the gaps in this plate holder?
HMF this stretchy thing my godson lost a year ago and still talks about
I think I may have a problem. Apparently I’m ordering cheap woodworking tools late at night with my insomnia, then totally forgetting… any one else have this problem? Does anyone know what this is? How it works? (*i don’t drink)…
Any techs in here with thoughts on base repair at home using a belt sander?
What is the best laptop brand for long term use?
Look for stores with the biggest hot sauces collection!
Surrender Cleats
Why are wood boards so expensive compared to dimensional lumber?
IsItBullshit: Pre-Sleep for longer Awake-Time afterwards?
Who do you go to to fine tune your design for manufacturing?
Nintendo tried suing a small business over its name “Super Mario” and lost.
What do you use to design your projects?
IIL anti-establishment rock like Rage Against the Machine
Dexter-like set up for indoor winter woodworking?
Animated shows to show to a stubborn dad who refuses to watch anything animated (because they are all "for kids!" or "weridos")?
Has anyone here explored solar powered heating for their greenhouse? Wondering if I about using a panel and heat element to heat a barrel of water with a heat exchanger and fan
Weird question for this sub but I need help finding stainless wire with a body safe silicone sheath and I figured you guys might have come across something like it!
Made this a few years ago when I was pretty green. Looking for suggestions on V2!