In Disney's Bambi (1942), Bambi morns the loss of his mother because Bambi, like all animals, do not want their parents shot and killed.
Why do NTs whine, fuss, yell,and snipe at people who don't have the power to make a situation better?
Best film that includes the protagonist taking an epic shit?
Guess who came out of the closet late?
no. 3 says it all 😬
Every man has a moon a side no one sees
What's your favorite Redhead actress?
Now that the Fr*nch have squandered all the Cinephile goodwill they had by releasing "Emilia Perez," we can admit this is a corny piece of shit, right?
Happy Valentines Day, Todd fans! Best love song you’ve ever heard?
Grimes says son X Æ A-XII ‘should not be in the public like this’
Being a Leo is exhausting cause everyone expects you to put on some kind of a performance anywhere you go
Are there any star signs or placements that you would say are just better off/happier single?
Favourite actors that vaguely look like a specific animal? I’ll start
What sign is this describing?
What is your most anticipated voice role of 2025?
If humans colonize mars, earth will turn to shit, so how do we stop people from going to mars?
Which movies are more prophetic than they had any right to be?
What is your favourite movie remade 2 times in a span of 6 years?
Who’s a worse parent
Best looking food in cinema?
What sign?
Favorite this scene that disturbed Hollywood?
This is a real backshot from a $180 million movie