Who should we invite next year?
Motivation to play
I think the new Knockout has *potential* to be a good perk, but the numbers are tuned too low
What killer addons makes you like this?
Dev update March 25
March Dev Update!
What killer addons make you like this?
should I buy Pinhead?
i love saloon man
Will Pinhead still receive some balance changes?
No idea what they were cooking with these (repost because something broke with the images)
If the QOL Initiative updated certain aspects of the game that weren't listed on the first announcement, what would it be?
Give Nemi and his minions some love
That smile.
Bullying or throwing either way swfs suck to play against.
Give my Nemi and his minions some love
Man I love this team-up, we still lost the match though.
I gotta say... This is Fantastic!
So it looks like Wolverine and Storm are becoming anchors to their team-ups, seasonal damage boost incoming?
Zarya no longer counter Orisa if she's change to shield
I don`t like idea of the Outlast movie adapting any of the games stories
Why is the pyromaniac the most sane and lucid variant in Outlast 1?
Yall Miss Him?
He did nothing wrong in my heart
Why didn't Miles just do this? Is he stupid?