Why is there so much guesswork with babies/newborns?
MOT Expired While Abroad – How to Get to the Test Centre?
So if a pizza is technically a pie…
Suspended from work advice please UK
What minor injustices still live rent free in your head?
Is there a way of renting a room in Sheffield which doesn't involve a middle man taking a huge cut of fees? Maybe an online community notice board or similar? I am f(46) and looking in Hillsborough.
(England)Wifi plan cancellation-is it legal to have me on a UK-only product even though I left the UK? Is there a way to cancel my plan without paying all the remaining amount as a fee?
AITAH for calling out her racism
I'm aware infantile sexuality, yet I feel strange.
Housing overcrowded, by 1985 legislation the room standard?
I fantasize about seducing married men
I feel unlovable
Directy after waking up forever: chug a bottle of smirnoff ice OR eat 4 large apples
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Bts of James bond Crocodile scene 1973 by stuntman Ross Kananga
Why are most people generally pessimistic?
Someones pet hens caused car accident.
What sort of job would you suggest to someone who has never worked before?
Employer refusing to pay for training time
Is trading haram?
Selling Home - Do I need to disclose?
What is an outfit that makes a woman more attractive?
My girlfriend and I moved too fast and now live together. I don't think I love her anymore.
I don’t think I got failed for a valid reason
Would you kill a child, or not?