Anyone taking a break from OSRS to play Monster Hunter Wilds?
Trump is the most unpopular president in more than 70 years. Sorry, MAGA.
When I do job interviews and employers ask me "Why I want the job?" is "because I'm broke and need money" and acceptable answer?
If you take selfies, do you end up sending them to people? If so, under what context?
Grinding overtime for pixel drip.
What would be your highest irl skill
Last day to enter the RS YouTooz competition
Araxxor weapon choice
How do I answer the question "What are your hobbies" in a job interview?
Just turned 30 and I'm broke, how common is this?
Clue Caches: Suggestion for Stackable Clues, Clue Juggling with Milestone progression
What is more visually vivid, your dreams or your imagination with your eyes closed?
What’s the point of a cs degree when you have to compete with people without a cs degree for a job
2004-2007 veterans, what sites did you use back in the day related to runescape?
2004 Runescape
Stupid question incoming I think
Raids 4 should not have puzzles
Work sent me home after 1.5hrs due to snow storm. Breakfast of champions.
Got assaulted while fishing near barbarian village last night
Dear Jagex: Take ten seconds to explain pronunciations to the youtubers you get to plug Varlamore Part 3
What do you guys call a couch that has a bed under the cushions?
Fill in the blank with the first word that comes to your mind in the sentence "I want to go to _." What did you choose?
What is the first word that comes to your mind at the end of this sentence "I want to go to _."