I love Jess but ppl really forget He wanted Rory to leave Yale…
Watching Gilmore Girls as a guy
noreen not letting bill see rebecca
Luke punching Christopher
It seems to me that Luke was much more heartbroken than Lorelai here
Jason was Lorelai’s best boyfriend!
Lorelai sleeping with Christopher was diabolical at this point
Completely different person.
Opinions on Sherry and Chris?
Has your opinion of GG changed based on the stage of your life?
Was it realistic that Rory got into Harvard, Princeton & Yale?
Whether Logan Cheated or Not, He Sucked
Would Rory have cheated on Logan before the Bridesmaids incident?
I hate the Life & Death Brigade
This makes me appalled on behalf of Rory
Why in the heck didn’t Rory end up with Jess?
Why do you think Logan was immediately threatened upon meeting Jess?
the episode where Logan meets Jess, they go out to eat
Rory’s dinner with Jess and Logan
People are too harsh on Logan with the whole Jess situation
I hate MAIN CHARACTER. Anybody else agree?
Oh that‘s not-
Rory totally DIDN'T HAVE TO go to picnic date with Jess
Are the Gilmore Girls “pick-me” girls?
about the affair