My copies of the elusive Imaro series, by Charles Saunders
Thoughts on New Edge?
Reading rec: The Doom of Odin (nasty Norse underworld/plague Rome/tasty sausages)
Anyone play this? Indie S&S RPG
Other Planes in S&S?
Ask S&S writers their top S&S novels and 'Sometime Lofty Towers' always comes up
You folks ever try Guy Davis' The Marquis?
Charles Saunders' "Imaro" returns next month from Gollancz.
The new Conan: City of the Dead!
S&S Novels
NESS #6 Cover Reveal (Art by Goran Gligović)
Tears of blood: indie sword and sorcery trailer
How do you like your S&S worlds?
Howard Andrew Jones
What is sword and Sorcery?
What are the best works of fantasy that avert or subvert stereotypes about steppe nomads?
I would like your Valheim-y-est reading recommendations
Can chickens escape burial chamber?
Gotta catch them all
Can someone recommend me one (1) S&S story published in the past 10 years? Not your own work or your best friend's, just something you read and liked.
Compling a list of S&S authors with stories published in Magazines right now
Landing Bay, from my sketchbook.
What would you call a Democratic Intergalactic Empire that doesn't fully control all of it's occupied worlds but defends them whenever a foreign or domestic threat is an issue
Finally got this hat to level 4. It was an awful, grindy experience. 0/10--do no recommend.