GenZ, are we ready to be drafted?
I'm probably not gonna do this for the DLCs ngl, or at least not for the annoying ones like Blue Smelter or Lud/Talent.
What have you been genetically blessed with, and nerfed with?
ATM 10 - What are those white bright blocks?
Known issues with annihilation plane in multiplayer?
Vendrick invades the Lands Between, series by me
Does anyone have any tips for this boss?????????? I've been stuck on it for days now and I'm about to just quit playing the game
Arguably the most ferocious early game enemy in the entire series. Not suprising as they took on giants and basically won.
My favourite souls game by a mile. Here are some screenshots i've taken over the years. Most are from around 2016 which is when I played the game the most.
My CPU after a 5 hour IE campaign watching me click on Trials of Fate
Man of Oatmeal
Butchers need to SERIOUSLY chill out. I I have 3 butchers shops and a massive surplus of meat from a hunting ground but for some reason they feel the need to raid my sheep herds every night. They managed to mangle a good 90 sheep before I demolished their houses out of panic.
Uh who designed this tavern
I think it would be good to be able to plan things out without having the resources for them so they can be built when the resources become available. Thoughts?
POV: You are the skink they sent to find Lord Kroak during the quest
When its the end of a 40 minute battle and you accidentally click the wrong option for what to do with the settlment
Day 208 of drawing until Nagash DLC comes out.
"Sir we've just gotten word that our elite, rank 9 greatsword infantry are in melee combat with some shit tier fell bats. They are winning decisively so it shouldn't be a probl-"
Half a chicken tender short of being able to set up camp :(
Permanent bugged ogre raiding camp outside the playable area from a faction that isn't even remotely near me.
My game one turn after I recruit a new general
POV: You are a Carroburg Greatsword in combat with some menace below skavenslaves and your commander left the sunmaker on fire at will
Get To Work - steering wheel support
This single unit of irondrakes parked at a chokepoint during a settlement battle managed to get 794 kills
Hey general, before you end the turn, would you like to build an outpost?