Former US president Barack Obama came across a choir of Danish girls practicing their singing in their apartment with their balcony doors open. He kindly asked them if they would keep singing for him to enjoy.
Celebrity Jeopardy! discussion thread for Wed., Jan. 15
Phynre and her trial for impiety
In his documentary “The Last Party,” Robert Downey Jr. covered the US presidential elections of 1992, interviewing politicians, activists and other people about their views on American politics. During the filming, Downey Jr. visited Wall Street and got appalled by what he saw.
'I am an outsider': Carney rips Poilievre, makes Liberal leadership case on The Daily Show
I say again, this is not a cult.
6 Time guest of the pod Kyle Kulinski calls out Joe for being the mouthpiece of the establishment
Do you think the Conservative Party should be worried?
A beach in New Zealand has giant 5 foot tall extremely round rocks
Resting heart rate during an alcohol relapse. Just one drink, he said.
Isabella Minervini - American gymnast
TIL Al Pacino was offered the role of Han Solo after his success in The Godfather but turned it down because he couldn’t understand it.
This couple has been an ice skating team for over 20 years
Gf won’t leave apartment with me because of my fit
investigative Journalist says Epstein had photos of Trump with ‘young girls’ on his lap who were ‘topless’
Lebanese MP votes for Bernie Sanders for President of Lebanon
"We all got along very well"
I discovered a pairing function that beats state-of-the-art most of the time.
TIL of Wall-Sun-Sun primes, a category of prime numbers that obey certain rules related to the Fibonacci sequence. It is conjectured that there are infinitely many of them. None are known, and there are definitely none that are smaller than 20 digits.
Londoners reacting to the news of Yuri Gagarin becoming the first person in Space. (1961)
TIL Nearly half of U.S. adults sleep with their pets, but this cozy habit often backfires. Research shows it’s linked to poorer sleep quality, increased insomnia, and frequent night wakings. While pets provide emotional comfort, their movements and noises can disrupt a good night’s rest.
Transferring from WS to TD. Wow!
Is this really like this? I'm stunned to see ppl posting such statuses, What you guys think?
My friend didn't know Mount Olympus is a real mountain
The Anti-Establishment and Anti-Elitist Podcast. Power to the people.