Is There a Good List of ALL the Orders President Trump is actioning?
Is this too revealing for a black tie wedding? Also, is it too light? /s
What position is RFK being considered for and when will it be announced?
Please help provide the hard truths for my liberal friends and family!
I want to take my girlfriend on a trip back to the Bahamas! Taking ideas!
TIFU by forgetting to record the audio of a podcast which I'm directing. Need advice.
I was banned for telling the truth.
Previous Kamala debates and videos?
Maximum hire age?
Questions for Julie
AITA for telling my kids why I don't buy their half sibling anything?
Has anybody visited a place and loved it so much they actually moved there?
How Maura could ha e ended up in Haverhill.
Celiac? Why is this rampant? And is it just the US?
does Howard hate EVERYTHING now ?
If we are actively encouraging people to come into our country through the southern border, why aren't we actively trying to make citizenship easier?
A friend of my neighbor's has overstayed his work visa. He had hoped to find another job but has not been able to...
Another theory
The missing alcohol
Robin and the news.
TIFU By Stalking by Lesbian Crush on Instagram
My men friends don’t like my drip, but looking for some better taste advice
Question from a Canadian
What do you think of this dress for the wedding of my cousin?
Breezes Bahamas