How do they know?
Vendors want to keep the house for sale after memorandum
Stuck with an unsellable apartment - what can I do?
Title deed overlap and restrictive covenants
How to choose the right estate agent ?
Renters Reform Bill - question
Condensation and mould in attic - how screwed am I?
What would you do with the upstairs layout?
Is a “Free EPC Certificate” Offer Legit or a Scam?
Buying our first home: Is it the right one? Price reduction concerns and the rest!
Should we be considering saving for the freehold?
I can't be the only person who finds this annoying ?
Got reported for possibly undertaking?
The upper financial limit for speeding offences boils my piss.
Test cancelled this morning because it snowed two days ago, rescheduled for in 6 months. This system is absolutely broken.
Where do you think nessa and smithy settled?
Did anyone else notice...
What do I do?
Questions about Survey Results
New builds :// Underfloor heating. Solution is to break the floor and replace the entire underfloor heating system???
Neighbours struggling to sell, should I be worried? Or am I overthinking it?
Would you be happy with these photos on listing?
Why can’t the uk government just build like 400k annually council houses rather than relying on private companies who are just focused on profits?
What are the Rules for Naming a House?
Received this from solicitor r.e. House purchase.