What are these kids saying?
Got a lobe piercing 2 weeks ago, can I take it off for 3-4 hours tonight with no retainer?
Did I ruin my back?
Makeup artists for film, how would you age this character to make him look like the older gentleman
How would you set-up this shot?
Do these last chords remind you of Claire De lune?
Any ideas on this Casio symphonytron
I got a piercing w a non silver hoop how long before I can replace it w a silver one
Kids story about a young girl in dungarees who meets different animals like a bear and an opossum, probably from the early 2000s
What are some lenses that have this flare?
How did you deal with your adopted pet passing away
Musescore, why am I getting a pop up ad when editing a score?
TIL Louis was used by the CIA in the 60s Congo military coup
What do you think is the most important found ancient text?
What a jam
I'm an arabic poet, should I learn farsi or spanish
Which chords would you use for this melody
Can someone help me figure out this chord progression please
Best set for jazz?
Which hihat would you pick?
British 70s-80s crime?
Album covers that scared you as a kid
How my cat likes to stand