Would you date/marry/give chance/ get to know a bald guy? Question for girls in this group
New year resolution
Book Suggestions
Suicide during admission period
Best thing in Dhaka?
Have we men sinned beyond redemption?
Thoughts on euthanasia.
Are we cooked
How to fall asleep?
Camera Recommendation
Vigilante in Bangladesh!
AITAH for wanting to commit genocide!
A stunning bunch!! Found them in a flower shop.
How r u guys holding up your daily lives with cold water this winter?
Title: Struggling to Set Boundaries with My Younger Brother.give the best effective way.
Speak a New Language
Well well well, how the turntables...
21F wanna date
Mother having affair
I will take a bite..
Year ending soon.
Why do i have violent thoughts of killing people who hurt me.
I feel so guilty for my anger