(OnePlus 12r) Just got here in Dark Souls on Yuzu.
Assistance finding an obscure 3ds game
Assistance finding an obscure 3DS rom
Based on my DS games, what other gems could I get?
Controller help
Looking for trainers who open gifts 5431 6114 3914
My favourite goku
Lucky pokemon question?
Mega Abomasnow add me 7725 0768 3363
Anyone seen Shiny Thunderous
Looking for daily gift exchanges 6477 8341 6947
Remote Raid Megathread - Find friends fast for raiding here
Abomasnow on me 6477 8341 6947 be patient please
Wb therian Thundurus will add 10 be online /patient 6477 8341 6947
Therian Thundurus 6477 8341 6947 be online/patience adding 10
Thundurus on me adding 10
Thundurus hopefully adding 10
Mewtwo raid on me 7809 4662 2849
Moltres raid add me 8274 5643 7166
Totaling formulas and making N/A's from formulas equal zero
picked my guy up because his fins were almost completely gone and he has made a full recovery !
[FT] Lots of DIYs, Fake Art [LF] NMT (Please buy several DIY at once, you can buy art individually)