Game Balance by Level
I’m used to fighting uphill, but this wasn’t a hill it was a cliff!
Gelgoog J (SM) & Gelgoog Marine CMD (CG)
Gundam Ex and Gundam Tiran Arrive
GP02a MK2 “Schwerer gustav”
Heavyarms repair
Am I the only one not getting Containers after a whole day of playing?
Stun Lock
15 times
Let's see how far they can fly...
Blueprint Slots
RX-78-6 Mudrock Kai
Alright roast me, i need some critiques
a couple builds
United Freedom & Black Freedom Gundams
What is the best Gundam Alex design?(probably Daily now OYW (re)design poll: Day 33)
Gundam YMS-F109 Melinoë
That one time i did a thing
“Your fates are in my hands. You are nothing but pieces on my board”
Still using a skill without a part equiped?
Nirvash Type Zero Spec 2
Zaku Encounter
My attempt at a YMS-15E Gyan Eos
Situation Battle: Heir to the Blue | Janky Roster Overview