29 [M4F] UK / online - English guy looking for someone to be his new favourite notification
CITREON C3 advice
"Downgrading" the air filter
[back in stock] What Did You Expect from The Vaccines?: 10th Anniversary Solid Pink Vinyl Edition
Keeps me up at night man
Advice on custom build
Advice on scrap/upgrade
General Discussion/Meetup Thread - Week of October 15
General discussion and meetup thread for the week of October 08
Famous historical fiction books?
Historical fiction centered on Ancient Greece
r/travel Topic of the Week: Greece off the tourist trail
The so-called “Star Mantle” of the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II (973-1024), embroidered ca. 1018-1021 [1721 x 1160]
When visiting Athens, Greece I recommend skipping the lines at the Acropolis and hiking to the Ancient Wall of Pnyx instead
Developing a “personal curriculum” and looking for a lot of things.
Looking for D&D Players and a DM (Hongdae)
I love reading books about nature and climate change. I recently began reading 'The Weather Makers' by Tim Flannery.. and it is superb.
What Books Did You Start or Finish Reading This Week? July 23, 2018
What Books Did You Start or Finish Reading This Week? July 16, 2018