What Smells Like This?
Which fragrances notes do your prefer ?
Hanae by Hanae Mori discontinued?
Are these some good additions to my collection? Reccomendations always appreciated ;)
What's your least favourite fragrance you own?
Que pensez-vous de ce parfum ?
I want to smell like actual fruit.
What is the oldest bottle you have in your collection that still smells good?
What fragrance would fit Sailor Moon?
What is or was your mothers (or any parental figure) favorite fragrance/s ?
Fragrances with this vibe like wild green strawberries instead of strawberry candy.
Favorite Perfumes for Wedding!
Ever wanna buy perfumes you used to wear as a teen??
What's y'all's scent of the day? I'll go first.
Perfect perfumes that smell like this?
What fragrance has been discontinued that you wish would be brought back?