I'm bored, give me a character and I'll tell you what I'd call them for Death Battle Rivals to avoid copyright(inage unrelated)
Season 9 Good Vs Bad
Look, I get it, MadarAizen’s research could’ve been better. DB occasionally makes mistakes, but it’s not like they butchered or constantly made fun of Aizen. Look at Asta or Edward, whose research/characterization is just as bad, if not worse
So thinking about it, this could be best for both. Thoughts? Lance McClain vs Lavernius Tucker (Voltron: Legendary Defender vs Red vs Blue)
What's your "I did not care for the god father" take of death battle
G1DBFB Death Battle Predictions: Galacta Knight Vs Vergil (Kirby Vs Devil May Cry)
Just curious, everyone who has pitched a mu or is going to pitch one, if you couldn't pitch your mu what would your back up be?
Asura is so cooked if this happens
DB Confirmed Deep Dives Tier List + some TNs
So which mains would be the most toxic as the character?
Ruby Rose Vs Maka Albarn Debate/Prediction (RWBY Vs Soul Eater)
Random question, but is this weapon going to be important for kratos vs asura?
What Death Battle had the most fan outrage after it came out?
Community KoF with a Twist Day 27: Sauron, Shuma Gorath and Bill Ci-WHAT'S UP FLESH SACS?! BILL'S BACK!!!- ...are our new Team Evil Eye! Next up, we're looking for the characters who's names are V out of V! (That's a roman numerals joke). Submit your characters for Team V!
Just finished my crew pitch meeting. Got to pitch al three and They were pretty interested in the MUs.
Just finished my pitch to the crew. Got to do all three ideas
The Death Battle Rivals tier list in order
Of the two pitches MUs the cast discussed recently, which would you rather be interested in or want as a real episode
Current META
Society if there was more then one fromsoft fight
Which Xehanort mu is better. Palpatine or Mechikabura
With the movie and RvB being over, is this still accurate
DB Kickstarter Cast Tier List
Me and the boys pulling up with our new legendary skins:
How to improve Female vs Female fights