What's your current hyper fixation breakfast and lunch?
How many private sessions are you guys doing a week?
mixed feelings about the Pilates practice
How do you motivate yourself to exercise?
Is it normal for beginners to have neck pain after pilates?
What’s Your Go-To Outfit for Pilates? Comfort vs. Style?
Canadian girls—where are we getting our grip socks?!!
Beginner to next level?
George St Circle K
Which grocery stores in Peterborough are supporting the made in Canada movement?
OREA form 410 PDF password
Dentist Recommendation
Joints creaking and cracking like I’m 80 with arthritis
Has anyone manifested their dream house?
Is the cropped or regular length more flattering?
make some friends
Is it too late to get sober in my late 30s?
i just started pilates and i’m not sure when i should be doing them.
Class size
Best pre workout snack before Pilates
What’s the best cure to not be hungover after a night of drinking?
mental block from going to a pilates class
Mental health
Started the washing machine, but didn’t put detergent in. What was your ADHD brain fart today?