If we ever get a space marine 3, who should be the next enemy Titus goes up against?
What type of new exotic weapon would you guys like to be added the type of gun, primary or special or heavy.
Reminder that Dungeon Exotic drop rates are abysmal and the chase still feels miserable
Me praying that eternal warrior gets a ornament that’s actually shaderable next week (what’s a exotic armor piece you are hoping gets a ornament when heresy drops)
Omolon Titan "Shock😏"Trooper
Despite all the negativity going around here
First Or Second look?
New strand SMG in Heresy. Reallyyyyy looking forward to this, what's everyone's initial thoughts?
Missed opportunity Bungie
What could have been
Need this as a crossover ASAP
What exotic armour traits do you wish for next episode? [oc]
Dark Age Slayer
Will it fit?
Steampunk Hunters
The real reason why all Yamashiro skins have "Offensive" in them, is because she is not actually striking a cute kitty pose - she's in a boxing stance, ready to hit you with a jab
Amagi fucking you
Jean wearing Barbara's outfit (by 김호메)
Brazilian New Jersey
Lord Shaxx versus Iron Lord Saladin. Who wins and why?
We only need 3 More Aspects Now
The name of the new dungeon in the Episode: Heresy
Blind pick challenge (by @hsrmangakichi)
The winners of the FOTL vote just got announced