For any future member of the shitty titty committee
Just need someone who gets it
15 Year Cancerversary - Breast Cancer - Yay!
Medical Menopause
Positive perspective and Natalee trial update
What are your opinion on prognostic calculators?
“Survivorship” feels like I’m living in a curse
PCR after only one cycle of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy?
Calcification spots
Trump rally shooter identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks
Cycle Share of a low GPA, average MCAT, high ECs applicant
MD with 500 MCAT
The Med School Admissions Circus
PSA: Keep a close eye on who is giving you advice on this subreddit.
What most people don't consider in discussions about undergrad prestige
How does taking classes like Orgo 2 over after you graduate work.
"Build the wall" chants heard from downtown Toms River today at a white lives matter gathering during the Irish festival
Why are all my Trumper friends suddenly "Save The Whales" when they've never cared about the environment before?
Prestigious or not?
Is the food really that bad?
Florida bill would end diversity programs, ban majors, shift power at universities
Ocean County superintendent following 14-year-old's suicide: “We tried helping her several times but mother’s suicide was a major reason she started making poor choices."
Suspected Chinese "spy balloon" photographed over Billings, Montana on 01 Feburary 2023. The Pentagon confirmed it's still flying over US airspace [935 x 753]
How many of you experience the migraine hangover aka postdrome? I had a migraine the past week and today I feel absolutely terrible like I have the flu, can’t get out of bed, dizzy fussy vision, exhausted all of it…is this common?