Meet Ellie
9070 XT upgrade from a 3070?
Naturally Aspirated
I may have found the perfect ironing settings...
40W laser not cutting thru when moving in +Y-Axis
Has anyone seen these glitches on their game?
Got Yang… what now?
I thought I was done…
Drone or Polarizer
Guild Recruitment Megathread
LF Active Clan!
What do I change to do more damage in EE?
Should I scrap my sword of disorder?
Perfect Workbench?
How worried should I be?
I’ve Cracked the Code
[GIVEAWAY] Giving away 10 desk mats from the new Arcana Collection!
Invisible/ranged loot cheater stealing my LEDX?
Discovered Old Collection
Please remove seatbelt
My downspout wasn't lined up anymore. Printed an adapter.
Prints ALWAYS Sticking to FEP
Rate my PC aesthetic
13900k Severely Underperfoming? 28,800pts on Cinebench