Have you though about recording your loved ones memories? *Parents, grandparents and so on
What do you think about preserving your memories for the future generations?
I can help you to preserve memories of your parents for you and future generations
What do you think about interviewing your parents to preserve their memories?
Best way to record family stories?
LPT: Record the memories of your loved ones.
LPT: Record the voices of your loved ones
equipment for recording family memories for archival
ULPT: Secretly Voice Record Your Parents/Guardians for a Lifetime of Memories
I recorded my life with camera glasses for an entire year and made a VR app that lets me explore my memories in a beautiful memory palace! Each sphere is a 10 second memory :)
I build an app that can help you to preserve your memories for the future generations.
Any ideas how to record past memories from when you weren't journaling?
I build a project that can make you or your loved ones digitally immortal.
What do you think about preserving memories of your loved ones? *Parents, grandparents and so on
StayWithMe - Digital Immortality for you and your family members
Do you want to create a digital legacy for your family?
I want to write my own biography.
Digital Immortality: An Afterlife in Digital Clouds
Digital Immortality
Digital Immortality now possible? What Are Your Thoughts
[JAN25] Finally, immortality - the terminally ill could upload their consciousness to live anew in a digital, pain-free world.
Digital Immortality: A Very Serious Attempt to Preserve My Essence with AI
[ns] Storyworth, great on paper, but…
Storyworth Review: Storyworth LOST MY STORIES. I'm so upset, looking for a Storyworth alternative to capture memories.
Create an AI clone of yourself (Code + Tutorial)