Sand art in a bottle
What are the best shows to watch when you’re going through a hard time?
[Rapoport] The #Seahawks have their new QB: It’s Sam Darnold.
Stand up for Science protest in Seattle Center right now
[Discussion] At what point do you start caring about "In-house movements"?
Who's that one player, you'll always defend like this?
SOTC - what would you get next?
Seeking advice… first JLC purchase but so torn on brand new vs used.
If you won millions in the lotto what would you buy first?
FC Highlife
This list is interesting
Racist 1938 Hallmark Card that was hidden in my goodwill purchase
Sb winning qbs by college
30m my first apartment, still feel like it's missing something
Are the Chiefs the least respected NFL dynasty of all time?
What do you guys think of “hometown hero” Bill Gates and how he benefits & helps Seattle, in addition of his personality and moral character?
43/M, gay, refuse to have even one single white wall
Whats the Best mindfuck film?
Game Thread- Super Bowl LIX: Kansas City Chiefs (15-2) at Philadelphia Eagles (14-3)
Tell me your watch opinion that has watch folk at you like this
12 fans you say?
Update: Tarnished Saxonia Service Costs (Third-Party Intervention)
45% of America's entire alcohol export market just disappeared
Reverso Latitude for Sunday 🙂
Geographic on bracelet