If you could have an hour with Jesus, would you yak it up or would the conversation flag and get awkward?
Conveyor belt sushi restaurant advertises on the luggage conveyor belt
If you could sit and have a drink with one celebrity (dead or alive) who would it be?
Advice needed
Tool box suggestions
Prius with a camper shell.
We need to do the same: Portugal drops Plans for F-35 purchase due to Trump
Modified 1982 Yamaha RD 125
Does Canada need to prepare for a US attack?
What’s something uniquely Canadian that would confuse anyone else!
Tall Tower ain’t complete without some flags. 🇨🇦
What's your opinions on the old silver Wing
How I get one of those jobs?
The 1990 Illicit was the senior thesis project of automotive designer Phil Frank, who is most known for his work on the Saleen S7 supercar.. The Illicit contains many elements which would go on to become the Saleen design language.
Thousands of drones docking to charge after a drone show.
Custom Points Cover
Removed 1” tank lift
Found some Camel Cash in a Joan Jett cassette
Trump's tariffs will likely raise prices for US consumers, Fed chair says
Seen at Bike Week
Why do some people function perfectly fine on 4 hours of sleep while others need a full 8+ just to survive?
What are we no longer in the 'golden age' of?
Found some pictures of my dad and his KZ900 he bought new in 1976 and never stopped loving.
A Cossack policeman, to the amusement of Hungarian soldiers, slashes a captured Soviet partisan with a saber, occupied Ukraine SSR, September 1941 (800x607)
Fork dust seals stuck