I think I finally figured out why I like building new decks all the time.
Favorite precon?
Are scheduling conflicts with your pod just as bad as D&D?
Help me with the ultimate budget deck!
Would you rather…?
Unpopular Opinion: I Hate Pulling Foils
how good would a deck be without a synergy section - just commander, lands, ramp, draw and interaction?
What’s A Card That is slotted in a lot of your decks?
Why do people play Dryad Arbor?
New shandalar
The Most Hated Mechanic to Play Against?
"I Have Lethal On You. If I Don't Kill You Right Here and Now, You Cannot Negatively Impact Me In Any Way Until It's Just Us Left In The Game"
Deck for stealing wincons/combos on the stack?
32 deck challenge quitters: Where did you stop?
Took a very fun defeat
Looking for a deck build that just brings the pain and keeps on doing it
if i gained life after i tapped him will it help me ?
My LGS is doing a night where everyone plays using a legendary artifact as their commander. What are the strongest options?
i cant get the game to run
What is the best source to download the game right now?
Who Are Your Favorite Commanders to Cheat Cards Into Play?
Thoughts on my weird 'single-creature' anthem deck
How much protection is too much protection? (Kaalia)
AI generated proxies
Can Eldrazi be Friendly