The state of K'sante and League
When will the game implement minimum champ mastery to play ranked
If riot wants to keep new players then they should make a specific game mode for them.
New portion sizes?
Why don’t they turn him into a bruiser
2 months in still having the same issue connecting to lobbies as are my friends
Are you ok with the rework?
Starting From Scratch
Questions ab Darius
I'm thinking of making a guide for toplane skarner
How to counter
Nerf W into the ground
Top Lane becoming unbearable to play
How do we feel about grasp?
Next patch I think K’Sante will be the worst champ in the game against ranged toplaners
Sylas content
This is embarrassing
Why can't people grasp that it's the warden aspect that is op, not the skirmisher one
No K'sante changes 😢
[PBE datamine] 2024 February 26 (Patch 14.5): changes to Galio, Rek'Sai, Twisted Fate, Smolder, and red Kayn
Ksante is broken at and DESERVES the nerfs and low winrate, deal with it.
If Ksante can't duel then he's a failure.
Worst Winrate of all Champions on 14.4 45.65% it's K'sover
Phreak on K'sante 14.4 changes