Monthly Help and Questions Megathread
Family Til The Bitter End (@meatpie_72)
Walpurgis Night 5 Premier
Tremor Time (art by RamenSari)
Is Spicebush or Ring Sang the Bad End ID for Yi Sang?
Apple of Discord (art by Xity)
What or who's the character in Arknights that you feel is underdeveloped or missed potential?
La Mancha Fixer Office (by 림붕이)
Would you give her your blood? (Rhlatm)
Essential EGOs to shard for?
Eternity (art by yomi tamashi)
Ulpianus and future operator pull priority by DragonGJY
The release of Thorns Alter means that Year 2 operators are now available for having an alter
Rhodes Island Lounge (02/12 - 08/12)
Goodnight Faust (art by @past_desiderium)
I will always love you (art by yomi_tamashi)
Sinner No. √(-10) (art by yakumineg1)
Which Faust? (art by ivy)
Sinner No. 3 (art by @kanakanamry)
Manager… (art by rmenssari)
Which Walpurgis IDs should new players prioritise dispensing?
Prayer (art by ivy)
Limbus Company X Arknights collab announced on PM 8th anni stream
Faust knows all outcomes (art by @LRain1002)
Upcoming Operators You SHOULDN'T Roll For (by SUPAH)