What the most iconic last words before the kill?
I need a good cry, what are some movies or songs to cry over?
Car Diffuser: Feeling Slightly Nauseous
Songs from LIKED playlist won't play if selected first
What movie has the most depressing ending?
What grade is Peter Pescadero in?
Favorite pirate movie(s)?
Scent Creation
Need Help to save my Aunt
Genuinely curious
What's the most horrific death in a science fiction film/TV series
What attractions would you like to see in a Futurama theme park?
What Canva font matches this style?
ULPT Request. How to stop people from cutting through property on ATV.
Millennials: what is a phrase that you would never hear today but that we heard constantly as children?
Dippin dot freezer
It was all covered except it's front bits.
What kind of vehicle does this guy drive?
SYNC "Device Not Supported"
What’s your favourite gag that caught you off guard?
Happy Birthday, Grandpa!
Is ADHD medicine worth it if you are an older person? Experiences wanted