Last week, it snowed and it was just warm enough the day after to get it out for some pictures, so I did just that.
Turbo inlet was a PITA lol
What does this even mean?
Finally made the switch!
2025 vss went out
The big 20
Missing Summer/Fall
She never gets tired does she? 🤦
AIO My gf got upset over me wanting some me time
Rant - shit plastic remote
Have I done it right?
RGB DRL boards
Winter setup
What's your choice?
What’s everyone’s preferred Haz level?
Questions about the Elantra N.
Just some pics of my salty car before i washed her off
Steering Feel
Is this achievement outrageously difficult for people or just too tedious to bother with? Took like three tries from when I found out it was an achievement.
What video game soundtrack makes you go like this?
Haz 3 is fun and not too easy
I can’t bring myself to pay almost $5 for eggs. I just can’t.
went from a 9700 to a 14400f