Will the LDS church grant women priesthood authority before 11/5/2024?
Husband rarely wants to talk.
Is the question "what did you do to cause a person to react that way?" accusatory coming from a spouse?
To all ex Mormons, from a debating questioner.
The reality of Building so many Temples is that for some they won't be open everyday of the week and have limited hours.
Marriage Issues (normal? or not)
Some doctors would rather you suffer in silence than be proven wrong.
Is this typical or normal in marriage?
Greed and entitlement are the roots of anger and depression.
What's something your therapist said that was life changing?
[Personal] What are your skincare regrets?
Miss Utah makes a sad sad statement about being Mormon.
Would you ever lie to get a temple recommend?
Anyone Think TSCC will Double Down on Having Many Kids at Some Point?
Did anyone else get taught that if they get to the celestial kingdom but aren’t married, they’ll be an angel and serve god forever?
YSK that Mormon missionaries are often victims/survivors of abuse and trafficking.
Why the steeples?
AITA for telling people my dad lost his license even after he made me swear not to?
TX Temple Size From Nelson
Shit you've heard a bishop say...
The demise of the Church is wishful thinking
AITA for being salty about the bachelor taking all the leftover booze we bought for the party so that he can party with other friends?
AITA for refusing to help rekindle my girlfriend’s friendship with our neighbour after she refused to help her in an emergency?
AITA for slamming the dentist's door?
Is it a good idea for a parent to pressure their kid to get married?