There goes your $35 insulin. Trump just signed the executor rescinding it. Who does that help?
Those poor children. What a fucking lunatic.
Sigh from my running group.
This boomer post that was shared on Facebook when people have lost their lives and homes.
150/160 travel trail bike could handle dh trails?
F right off and keep fing off till there's no more land.
Some weird text I found in jail years ago
Breaking: Trump says he’s going to sue Ann Selzer for election interference, along with many other media sources he says interfered by saying bad things about him.
Dragons Lair
If you oppose treatments for trans minors then are you also opposed to all cosmetic surgeries for minors?
In an effort to make a greener NY and reduce emissions, hitman uses Citybike to flee scene of CEO murder.
Why are there Poptarts but no Momtarts? Because of the Pastryarchy.
Gen Z asked me “Did you really believe Elton John was straight?”
Texas inheritance, Grandmother had no Will, my parents passed and my uncle is making me pay to live in my home
Alice's Restaurant - Original 1967 Recording
Trump ‘24 voters who previously voted for Obama and/or Biden: what drove your decision this time?
Watch this before Thanksgiving.
Boomer parents just don’t get it. You FAFO’d. Deal with it.
We are sooooo screwed
Can anyone tell this signature?
I don’t get it.
I found my boss's drug stash - easily enough to kill a whale. What are my options? Will I violate HIPAA if I report this?
Is the greatest fighter of our generation going to get his a** beat?