Heads up, the rare shiny enchant does NOT work on the powder keg, the keg detonating resolves before the 2nd cast :(
my absolute dogwater 1 win build
Yep, this one needs to be changed
Is it me or is it the meta?
MM is rigged
The No1 thing this game needs
הסאב בחיים!
Trying to make a weird card that's balanced, rate it.
kindly rate my drawing, its my first time to post here.
Did the epilogue ruin anyone else's enjoyment?
Thanks for the help everyone
How tf do I open this
buying tickets with my new membership
מה איתכם
Joey’s views on Anxiety are wrong and disappointing
Hi, new player here
game took the worst possible moment to crash(heavy spoilers)
A trip to Germany
Sorry Jan, you’ve lost the approval of your fans 😤😤😤
can't understand some of the criticism
I recently found this really good interaction!
What if the anime had been adapted by other Studios but with the same cast, and director, would it have been more popular?
Forging a bond with Ares
Which ones do you upgrade?
Well, I am very sad right now because HIMYF is cancelled.