Does your world have a Bismark?
Tell me about your currencies
Can HD1 vets confirm?
There goes my hero..
In the 30th Millennium this dude kills a child and starts calling himself Erebus.
Wow that was worse than Isstvan
`Grim dark future` be like
Good luck to everyone for the next four years. May the Emperor be with you.
Im a Creek veteran myself and guilty of this too
Which President had the most painful death?
William Henry Harrison did not die of pneumonia. That is an outdated theory. Historians now think he died from typhoid fever after drinking dirty DC water.
Pray for Joe Biden, pray for Donald Trump.
I want to know where these two guys were when bugs ripped his family to shreds literal seconds later.
Powerful Side Villains
How do religions in your world defend and justify their beliefs?
You where suddenly transported into your fantasy world/setting, how f***ed are you?
Why would a man stranded in the middle of the desert with no connection to the outside world go to hell
The Traitors (UK) S03E04: Live Discussion Thread
What's your favorite Bible and why?
Is it true that if you are in a state of sin, Our Lord doesn't hear your prayers and you have to pray to Mary to beg Our Lord for forgiveness in your stead,so He can hear your prayers?
⭐️Did Paul bring a new religion that contradicted the teachings of Christ?
Why does God allow satan to exist?
What is Catholics’ equivalent of the movie Prince of Egypt (well animated film that presents your faith pretty decently)
Christian questions i have please give me your thoughts and theories.
What translation of the Bible do you guys read?